Why Outsource with APS?
Mitigate risk- We bond and insure the ATM and COMM equipment
Expand market presence with NO capital expense for the ATM or modem at PRIME ATM locations
Location, Location, Location- Access to 30+ years of ATM Industry experience to expand market presence – we are in essence an ATM real estate company, offering site survey analysis.
Easy, cost effective customized ATM marketing screens for advertising
NO IMPACT on your existing Debit Card program, Cash handler, or Core Processor: Outsourcing is transparent to your Members/Customers
Increase profitability - Surcharge Free “on us” transactions and revenue sharing on foreign transactions
Improve efficiency - Fast service response – We utilize the Net Op remote ATM access program for “real time” remote ATM diagnostics
Leverage expertise - 30+ years of ATM/Industry experience
Enhance flexibility - Contract negotiations for “off site” prime ATM locations
Concentrate on core competencies – Our team manages all aspects of the ATM program